Your GUIDE TO harbour porpoises IN CORNWALL
One of the five species of cetacean (dolphins, porpoises and whales) you can spot on a Padstow Sealife Safari is the Harbour Porpoise. This is the only porpoise that can be found in European waters.
It is a relatively small creature. In fact, one of the smallest cetaceans living in the sea. The Harbour Porpoise has a dark grey back, lighter grey sides and a distinctive almost white underside. It also has a rolling-style of swim and its short, triangular-shaped dorsal fin often sticks out from the water, which is how it can be spotted.

However, this loveable creature is rather shy. Even though they are the most numerous cetacean in UK waters, they are tricky to spot. They are found in smaller pods than dolphins of only 2-5 individuals or sometimes alone. Only a small portion of their back with a small dorsal fin shows when they surface so when the sea is anything but calm, they are not easily spotted.
This is also because porpoises are unlikely to come as close to the boat as dolphins. This shyness makes a sighting even more special and memorable.
Being as respectful and caring as possible, the crew will stop the boat to allow the porpoises not to be spooked. In which case, you may be able to hear the ‘puffing’ noise that happens when a porpoise breaks the surface of the water and starts to breathe through its blowhole. This led to them acquiring the cute nickname of “puffing pigs”.
more porpoise facts
best way to see porpoises off Cornwall
The crews of our two-hour sea life safari boat trips will always keep their eagle eyes peeled to spot the Harbour porpoises that live off these shores and will alert you to any sightings.
If you have a particular passion for porpoises, then why not charter one of our skippered boats. That way, our experienced staff can take you past Harbour Porpoise hotspots to give you the best possible chance of getting fabulous views of this loveable cetacean.